
Demag Colours

Two corporate colours

Apart from the natural colour of paper (white) and the most suitable text colour (black), the Demag colour scheme is dominated by two corporate colours: Demag Corporate Blue and Demag Yellow. While Blue is the most important Demag colour and used predominantly, Yellow is used as contrast and accent colour, giving our material a fresh and modern look.

Blue gradient

As you can read in more detail under Headline Design, a blue gradient is another element of the Demag brand. Mainly used as background for headlines, it can also be used to create content on a darker background to highlight or separate it from other content. The gradient goes from Demag Dark blue in the lower left corner to Demag Corporate Blue in the upper right corner, creating a subtle, but refreshing feel wherever it is used.

Additional colours

In addition to our corporate colours, we use three shades of grey: Grey 93, Grey 60 and Grey 20. Grey 93 is used as sub-headline colour on Demag Yellow when large and legible (> 20 pts), Grey 60 and Grey 20 are used in the design of branding elements, such as boxes, etc.

Demag Red may also be used as a minor accent colour, for example in presentations. The darker version of Demag Corporate Blue, Dark Blue, may only be used as part of the graduation in the graphical element (see section on Headline Design).

Demag Corporate Blue


Euroscale: 100% cyan, 65% magenta
RGB: 0 - 83 - 164
Pantone 661
RAL 5002 ultramarine blue
Hex #0053A4 Adhesive foil: Mactac blue 9839-26



Demag Dark Blue


Euroscale: 100% cyan, 65% magenta, 40% black
RGB: 22 - 60 - 113
Pantone N/A
Hex #163c71  



Demag Corporate Yellow


Euroscale: 5% cyan, 20% magenta, 90% yellow
RGB: 233 - 200 - 57
Pantone 129 C
RAL 1003 signal yellow
Hex #e9c839  



Demag Grey 20


Euroscale: 20% black
RGB: 204 - 204 - 204
Pantone Cool Grey 1 C
RAL 7047 tele grey 4
Hex #d9d9d9



Demag Grey 60


Euroscale: 60% black
RGB: 102 - 102 - 102
Pantone Cool Grey 7 C
RAL 9007 aluminium grey
Hex #868685



Demag Grey 93


Euroscale: 93% black
RGB: 51 – 51 - 50
Pantone Solid Coated 447 C
RAL 7021
Hex #323231



Demag Blue Gradient


Demag Dark Blue in lower left corner
Demag Corporate Blue in upper right corner




Demag colours at a glance

Colour use at a glance

  • Demag Corporate Blue for headlines
  • Demag Dark Blue / Blue Gradient for the blue box
  • Demag Yellow as a container for sub-headlines
  • Demag Grey 93 as font colour on the yellow box
  • Demag Grey 60 for captions
  • Demag Grey 20 as accent colour, e.g. in presentations
  • Demag red as secondary accent colour, e.g. in presentations